What Does a Regular Dental Visit Include?
Dental Cleaning
Cleaning your teeth at home is a vital part of keeping your teeth healthy and sparkling. But even the best of us have trouble reaching every area of our mouths consistently. There are some hard-to-reach areas that can be vulnerable to harmful oral bacteria if they aren’t cared for properly. The plaque in these spots can harden, making it nearly impossible to remove without professional tools.
That’s where we come in. Twice a year, we’ll clean every area of your teeth professionally. We’re able to easily take off the hardened plaque to prevent it from forming into cavities, as well as polish your teeth so they sparkle.
Dental Examination
As a part of your regular appointment, we’ll examine your teeth and mouth for potential issues. The exam is a vital part of your oral hygiene visit because we can often detect oral health problems before they begin to cause pain or serious damage.
The earlier an oral health issue is detected, the less invasive procedure you’ll need to recover from it. You’ll be able to maintain a more beautiful smile and worry less about potential oral health complications.
Dental X-Rays
During your exam, we’ll perform a visual and physical check of your teeth and gums. But sometimes, there are areas that can be difficult to see. That’s why we use dental x-rays to find very small or hard-to-reach areas of decay. X-rays are typically taken once a year unless we suspect you have tooth decay we can’t see.
Our office uses digital x-ray machines, which are more comfortable than traditional x-rays and take less time. They also expose you to much less radiation, making them easier and safer overall.
Oral Cancer Screening
Oral cancer is difficult to notice until it becomes a major issue. But by that point, invasive treatment may be the only possible option. Dr. Gabriel has a better way of detecting oral cancer and other tissue abnormalities⎼ the best part is, it can be performed as a part of your regular exam.
We’ll check the soft tissues in your mouth physically and visually for any lumps, discoloration, and other signs of oral cancer. Dr. Gabriel also uses VELscope technology to help detect abnormal areas of tissue in your mouth that aren’t visible to the human eye.